Looking for a specific scene to finish painting…
[SW] Turnips are at 6 O 6
[SW] 530!
[SW] Nookling ankle biters buying for 5-7-9
[SW] 2 Twins buying for 630
[SW] Tiny Nooks buying at 4 nine 5
[SW] TT selling 491 for the next 20 min! Comment for Dodo
[SW] Stonks at 4-1-4
[SW] Turnips for 416
[SW]. Nooks buying 511
[SW] Tanuki Babies Selling for 478
Ankha in boxes, looking for NMT
[SW] Turnips selling for 472.
[SW] Turnips for 528!
[SW] Turnips selling 599
[SW] Nook Bois Buying for Four Hundred Eighty Nine
[SW] Twins Buying for 6 - 3 - 2
[SW] Turnips going for 565
[SW] Trash Pandas BUYING at N=2 - 2N * N * 4N+1
[SW] Trash baby rats selling for 572 bells each
[SW] Trash pandas 530
[SW] 554 this morning
[SW] Bag Boys buying for five 3 0
[SW] NookCrooks are buying your Turnips for 496
[SW] raccoons buying for five nine six