What's the deal with cheating being normalised in TV series?
'Top 5 reasons why I'm an incel'
What happened to Ashley Judd's acting career?
JD Vance: "Anything I say, no matter how crazy, she has to smile, laugh, and celebrate it"
Qué triste que John Oliver nos avisó y la mayoría no hizo caso...
A world without guns is so unimaginable that it can only exist in a fantasy setting, with the advice of redditors
Lurking "Incels" and Incels, read this
Dark City is one of my favorite sc fi movies. What are your opinions?
Yeah, what she said
The old fascist is on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire.
Words you are not allowed to use in our MAGA dictatorship
Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way 🤦
”Me returning home after a week in europe without Ice, air conditiong & diet coke”
Do you think 'Weird Science' aged well or not?
[Gal Gadot]Is this not oddly subjective language? It feels very “book report”-ish to talk about someone and a people this way. I don’t have the ability to edit/leave comments on the talk page, so I don’t know how to spark discussion about this kind of thing.
Imaginate ser tan facho e incel que ninguneás la lucha femenina por sus derechos y fingís demencia sobre el hecho de que Akira Toriyama falleció un 1ro de marzo.
Met David Tennant. Great guy
Definitivamente no la vimos: esto en realidad era un Bingo Presidencial y estamos avanzando para completarlo
What do you think of this movie (Equilibrium)? Personally, I loved it. I loved the action even so it was so silly.
Musk's Privatization Push
Thoughts on your "faith" in science and scientists.
Everyone wear black in support of the department of education.
Para pensar.
Why the Right is Winning - PhD Student Breaks Down the Appeal of Fascism?
Bernie vs. Billionaires: The People’s Revolution Hits MI & WI
New Deputy FBI Director