Same Sex Marriage Laws in the USA 1995-2015 - Animated violin plot update [OC]
Interesting trends in HYG stellar dataset [OC]
Tom Patterson - Mapping the Grand Canyon in 10 steps starting with a DEM. (In-depth info in comments)
Monthly USA Birth Rate 1933-2015 (more charts in comments) [OC]
Monthly USA Birth Counts 1933-2015 [OC]
[Battle] DataViz Battle for the month of April 2018: Visualize every line from every scene in The Office
Learning Python for GIS
Global Vegetation Through the Years - NDVI (HD video and source code in comments)
Turgot Map of Paris (1 section of 20), France
Global Vegetation Through the Years - NDVI (HD video and source code in comments) [OC]
Hundreds of free datasets from 5 sensors aboard NASA's Terra satellite
IMDB ratings for each episode (with season average) of Two and a Half Men. Code in comments. [OC]
Ursa Major In Aeternum [OC]
Free datasets from multiple studies on equality, income mobility, race, wealth, etc. Studies by Harvard, Stanford, US Census, etc.
Command Line Interface for all historical NOAA GHCN Weather Data - Python source code in comments
The Rotating Universe: A Projection of Star Locations and Apparent Luminosity [OC]
The Night Sky (GIF) - HYG Stellar Database [OC]
[Battle] DataViz Battle for the month of March 2018: Visualize Over 100,000 Stars
USA Population by State by Year (1917-2017) - US Census Intercensal Estimates manually aggregated/cleaned
Highest-paid CEOs in America - Redux [OC]
Highest-paid CEOs in America [OC]
Made a web scraper for SomaFM Top 30 charts. What do you think?
Deadlift, Squat and Bench Press Performance by Age [OC]
[Battle] DataViz Battle for the month of February 2018: Visualize the Legal Status of Same-sex Marriage by US State and Year