Little prediction about episode 6
Made some memes
Lake has the best/funniest shocked face. idk why.
Biggest All-Stars contestants hater results!
I need to get this off my chest right now
Do you guys think ONC needs to do 13 episodes seasons again?
What’s your pick
Posting these unposted Tweets because I am lowkey pissed!
How would you like this as the elimination order of s3
This episode is non canon
Thoughts on these results do you think hannah is the most popular dc4 character
The character literally no one wanted in the finale yet was the better winner option! Who’s the biggest Riya hater of this sub?
me if anyone from the six person alliance gets eliminated next episode and hannah and benji survive
Manifesting the Ivy or Diego elimination this episode 🙏
My Predictions For Benji And Hannah In Episode 5
I really, really, really hope Diego or Jade go home next
I feel bad for the Onc team
Diego is my new least fav from DC4
saying this before ep 5 drops
YES!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! (btw please tell me Spencer is not getting eliminated next episode, I am begging)
Can Benji survive the yaoi plot armor?
This Ship Feels SO Forced
Carrying on Riya's legacy, Benji and Hannah will liberate us from the inevitable yaoi timeline. FOR AMELIE 🗣📢
Who's more at risk of elmination if Red team lose in Episode 5?