Libs hate trump so much they understand with Castro now
What movies depict America as the bad guys?
Jaackmate lookalike
Any techniques to understand Shakespearian?
Babe wake up, Hakim is roasting France again
Tankies won't like this one 😎
100 gorbillion dead Ukrainians.
How it feeels to read Lenin
Who is the best in ring performer of all time? I'll go first.
This must go hard if you are unimaginably stupid
Unemployment and Low Self-Esteem
Who’s a guy you was certain was going to be the future of WWE, but it just never worked out?
How Would You Book The Mext 5 Men's and Womens King Of The Ring Winners And Who They Challenged at Summerslam For The World Championship
What was a match that was better because of a botch?
For anyone freaking out, I made a reading list. (Feel free to add)
Advice for young person (21F) diagnosed with fibromyalgia?
What are some dream matches you really want to see
Twelfth Night Reading Discussion – Act 1 to end of Act 2 Scene 3
He's really missing it tonight bless him
WrestleMania 41 Predicted Card (after Royal Rumble)
[EPISODE DISCUSSION] 536 - DAN TIERNAN - From Dyspraxic Dinner Lady, To British Comedian Of The Year!
The Winter's Tale - Movie/Other Adaptations Discussion
The Winter's Tale Reading Discussion - Beginning to the end of Act 2
I didn't expect to like Lynch so much, what else should I watch?
Tinnitus after severe ear infection