What's your favorite Pokémon?
What movie made you cry the most, and why?
Which actor’s performance was so legendary that they’re the undisputed GOAT? And which movie was it from?
What’s an underrated way to show someone you care?
What’s something you used to take for granted but now wish you could relive?
What was your childhood dream job, and do you still want it?
What’s a sign someone definitely wasn’t raised right?
What’s something someone did for you in silence that meant the world?
What superpower would you want to have, and why?
Losing my audio engineer - recommendations
Would immortality be a blessing or a curse? Why?
What’s something about life before smartphones that you actually miss?
Paying for feedback and tips for my YouTube videos
What’s something that everyone pretends to like, but nobody actually enjoys?
What single truth about death do you long to understand, and why?