44F looking to make friends
Where does Gen X end?
Names you love...
British tv show recommendations
Great Grandparents wedding 1920s (not sure of the actual year)
Katy ISD Middle School & High School recommendations for High Functioning ASD / ADHD Kid
What are typical behaviors of women going through midlife crisis?
I’ve become a slob
This is my dog named Max. Which Muppet character do you see?
Which American building/structure/monument is your favorite?
Another poster asked what businesses have gone to shit since our younger days so my question is, what brands do you still swear by since our younger days?
What are your getting old ailments?
Shug is magic
UHV Katy Campus Closing
Hi, I got scammed three months ago. I’m 64 years old man. Are you in my age also afraid of scams?
[CHAT] Best Light Method?
Does anyone remember the title of this 90s tween girls book/series?
Remembering to take pills daily for teenager
Hair greasy every morning even though I shower daily. How do I solve this?
What's the oldest technology (product or process) where you can say with confidence, "Stand back. I've got this."
Jackie’s fashion
What’s a food that people in your state get fussy about?
Stuck in the 80s
What are some common jokes you don't hear anymore?