Should I Consider Going Back for Pertamina?
EasyPASS doesn't work with Blue Card
Chinese Language Course
U-Bahn set on fire by Benefica Fans at Odeonsplatz right now!!!!
Queued Transactions
Am I the asshole for telling my girlfriend she should take an internship at my dad’s company?
What is this?
I was very wrong about Indonesia..
Applying for Niederlassungserlaubnis with Blue Card: Does KVR Count My Student Work for pension insurance contributions?
The Ausländerbehörde is so incompetent they even ignored the KVR lol
No Reply from Ausländerbehörde for Residence Permit (Extension)
Language course
Help with Ausländerbehörde in Munich
Help regarding Fiktionsbescheinigung eligibility to travel
Looking for B2 course
Residence permit appointment (study)
Welche C1-Prüfung eignet sich am besten für Beruf?
Advice and help for residence permit renewal
German in-person evening classes for working prrofessionals
Your opinion on Moosach
Job interview
Are stores and restaurants open on 1 January?
T16 AMD G2
Is this Scam? Or have my email used by someone else?
When Should I Pay Kaution? Advices for Signing Rental Agreement from Aboard