speaking my truth after two years
What comes next ?
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
Which parasite was your favorite?
Linda wins good person who presents themselves as nuetral, now who presents themselves as alevil but is actually good?
Inside Job Sibling idea
am i overreacting??
So, whats your favourite episode?
y'all drop you big mouth (or HR) crushes/hear me outs
How old is Rick?
how do i break up with my bf
What solo hobbies do you enjoy?
Recommend me any songs to listen to, doesn't matter the gender, language or anything else, thanks
What would you say is the worst thing Bojack did?
How has watching Bojack affected your life?
(NOT NSFW) at what age did you learn to do makeup?
Which one of Mabel's sweaters would you be cursed to wear for the rest of your life?
Which side story?
Is the show fandom reviving itself?
Which one you chosing?
I(20m) am in a relationship with a girl(18f) I don’t have any feelings for, what should I do?
My bf 20m slapped me 20f and I thought I could forgive him but idk if I can
New season
Inside job quotes