Please, for the love of god, vote for The Big Hit
Things from the show that sound fake but are real?
Now, which “cat” are you taking home?
LOL I had several orders like this
It saddens me that some of you may not be familiar with the rap Kenneth does to stall the audience, so here it is. From 1989's Teen Witch, Top That!
What media/event/thing did you either not know was real, or not know was fake?
So I took advice from here about rejecting orders less than $1 / per mile and now I have this message...
Wrong address
Friend code mega thread!
Was the rant against the post office supposed to be funny? Or is June just dumb?
AITA For Yelling At My Roommate Because He Keeps “Getting High” Off Of The Compressed Air In The Whipped Cream Bottles
Some gems at my son's Elementary
You're a guest on "Dirty Laundry"...
What did they take from us??
Who is a character you never found funny or wore off pretty quickly?
Wo is the best single line character?
Every Nick I’ve ever met thinks he’s Winston
PLL edition
Free Press “Whistleblower” Exposes Private Details of Therapy Sessions
Sad little moment I recently noticed S2 Ep 1
If you can read the Hebrew alphabet Yiddish is super easy lmao
I will hit 116 days of practicing Hebrew today
Really liking music and want more. Any recommendations?
Which sentences does Duo make you repeat in your course?
New Diagnosis December