Ireland Hex Maps
Protest this Friday
Why Is Bill Mitchell Against Capitalism?
Mormonism and New Vegas
How’s the fit on this shirt ?
Who is getting the aux?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X
What is your Mount Rushmore of NA beers?
leftist/activist/punk groups in logan?
My 2025 TBR, what does this tell you?
Philosophy Courses
Grandchildren of Alumni
What's a movie made for dumbs, watched by dumbs?
Undergraduate Economics
What does everyone think of Rage Against the machine?
1st Album that terrified you
Honest Hearts is deeply problematic... right?
PSY 4950
Aggregate ZIP Codes to State level?
What was a goth tune that shocked or surprised you the first time you heard it?
I make dumb playlists and think the community might appreciate this one.
What's your saddest depressing song? Can be emo but doesn't have to be.
Where The Green Knight falls down, for me.
Could I keep a target rifle in a locked case/safe in my dorm room?
Is there anything a US State Government can do to take advantage of MMT?