Shifting courses Polsci to IT
What are you?
I failed one of my classes
AC no more lol
Money glitch
Did anyone else?
Let's play a mini Dating game!💐
Can I be bald?
Sa katong ni sud sa tc ganina, ni ulan ba?
Tuition for Pre-Midterms
Discord server friendsss
Of course I took the second option. I HAD TO !
my only one 🩵
Saw this at Carolinian Freedom Wall regarding that incident of a car cutting through the field
Jorge is our Cook! Moving onto Sniper!
Giselle WTF 😂
Guys, I was checking the Too Hot To Handle 3 app to see if there were any updates, and I saw the new picture/cover of the game... Oh my God...
Replaying for a Poppy route
School orgs
Lapu-Lapu To USC TC
decided to read fearless because of THAT b.a.d picture...
[Face claim] Avery is Fabien Frankel