What is Galadriel's Eregion dress in s1 made of??
Had no idea I could put flowers inside!!!
Who do you have as your Shepp?
Clicking Unstuck Put Me in Deep Space
I need to stop picking my ear canals... am I alone?
You don't understand!
what's an automatic turn on for you in the opposite gender?
Is it ok to leave the volume up when watching something in your phone or tablet in public?
The sexiest smelling perfume - aaaand gooo!
What is something you hate about your life right now?
What would a FDA actually like on Thanksgiving?
Batman got his name from his fear of bats. Using the same logic, what is your superhero name?
My baby died when I was 17 and I’m now 23 AMA
What are the harshest realities people don’t want to accept?
Does Hotel Engine call you guys ANYTIME a guest makes a reservation through them?
Which hobby drains your bank account?
Why do some women have really aggressive orgasms?
WTW for when someone is losing and does something destructive to prevent anyone from winning?
WTW for an unmarried and unemployed woman?
Anyone else call out a guest for treating them like trash
have y'all ever written anything that you weren't really comfortable with?
My 22f boyfriend 21m makes me feel so gross during sex. How can I fix this?
18 year old cat has kidney failure and I’m having a difficult time deciding when to say goodbye.
Do married couples fart in bed when sleeping?
AITA for asking my roommate to flush her toilet paper and “disrespecting her culture”??