Will you use it for Selena Zenith gacha or just buying some skins?
How to deal with late game heroes when you're an early one ?
What are y'all best heroes that got you sayin' "hear me out"?
the best battle pass/purchase in the game
Taking harassment to new heights: Just snipe the hunters
Did you know, you can look up every champion you play and see how many mastery points you have, and how many more points you need to get to 200 best in your server?
Mystery Shop: Nice try!
Pick your poison.
What skin collab would you like to see in the future?
Who are the 3 most attractive?
Bandle City Adventure Event Rewards
Anime with 10/10 art style, animation, and story
ABYG for reporting sa admin ng school namin the ex of the guy im currently dating?
Gacha Rate Changes
What keeps you playing wild rift?
GOT TSURUKO! Didn't know about re-rolling, though so it took me 70pulls :(
What are some small things in the game that really bother you? I'll start.
What's your very first exclusive skin ever?
You can exchange 500 condensed motes into condensed ore
Why is there not a reject button when a game is found?
It's coming
Old but gold meme
Side by side comparison of the new optimized graphics for The Mind's Eye, Doctor and Explorer
See Layla getting suplex, is somehow, SATISFYING. But the animation sure looks, interesting. It's a like a lite version of Atlas Ult (video cr: KazukiOfficial)