Thinking of buying a Taser? Read this.
So you’ve been OC’d Sprayed.. Now What?
Choosing an OC Spray
Guess Who's Back! (IYKYK)
[MEME] You suuuuuuure about that?
US Park Police officers cleared after *2017* Shooting
Rhyl addicts struggling to buy drugs, police say
[MEME] Practice what you preach?
Were there training classes? An illustrated handbook?
Stripped of my dignity by law enforcement
ACT 120
[MEME] B..b..but it's food tampering! (No, it's not)
[MEME] Fascist! Pig! GOOD BOY! (huh??)
Becoming a police officer with a record possible?
Wallingford CT Officer cleared in Oct 2023 shooting
German Customs/Law Enforcement Patch Trade
A question regarding cyclists
Opinions please
As real law enforcement what do you know about crime that people who only read about it and watch documentaries about it (i.e. those interested in true crime) don't?
Would I be able to ask a question here about the likelihood of a report r that was given to the police by a mandated reporter resulting in a arrest? If I gave some other details.
Graduation with no family
Stop the madness
Do you guys look at cars with public owned license plate differently than regular people?
Dear Sgt, no one was more surprised then I...
Who else loves seeing a good taser?