Drop your PSN’s and lets all add eachother ;)
Getting a second PS3 for my brother, any recommendations?
Am I the only one who prefers the Bootleg Series Vol. 14 recordings over the original Blood on the Tracks album?
Well, It was a good run!
[Discussion] What would be a crazy number of Platinum trophies for you personally?
Favourite lesser-known Dylan song?
Drop everything and tell us.. who you maining in PS All Stars??
Tovshuur beginner help?
Serial overthinker here... did I overdo it?
one of my latest builds!
What do you find more enjoyable, survival or creative? Why?
Small town I finally finished today, what do y’all think?
Anyone want to add?
What is the most unique experience you’ve played in a PS3 game?
If he didn't have a name, what name would you give him?
Any songs i can play as a starter? Easy one that i can play fully that are not that hard.
Couple shots of whiskey really helps with the red light syndrome
What chord should I play next? Finger Picking (Beginner)
A little riff I made off the dome :)
Neil Young Harmonica Cover
Would you pay 50AUD for this?
What game for the PS2 did you spend the most money for?
Harmonica is for the soul !!!
New Guitarist, thoughts on my playing?
Heart of Gold / Guitar Harmonica Combo (BEGINNER)