Any good Pale Garden seeds?
These waterfalls and lava falls are what make this valley so unique [6944206317372388] at spawn
Well, that's definitely the BEST seed I've found so far [6942699783490145785] at 100 50
A large lake surrounded by a pale garden biome [6942717059715371] at spawn
One of the most interesting terrain generations I've found [694269426942719923] at sppawn
An oceanic monument surrounded by an archipelago of small mushroom islands [694202310397505977] at 0 0
Lava flower
A zombified village in the middle of a lake [6944181033520768] at 0 0
İ need a seed like this but for bedrock
A mansion between a swamp and mangrove biome [694265472665203281] at 150 150
An abandoned island village with an arch [6942694392788459687] at spawn
A village at the crossroads of multiple rivers [694269427418552491] at 0 0
An igloo in the middle of a massive frozen lake [69427212382828330] at 0 100
A village enclosed by a massive Mangrove Swamp [929568499221] at spawn
A lake completely surrounded by pale garden, imagine building your base here [6942711710366603] at spawn for 1.21.4
Some cools jungle cliffs [694269426943212380] at 200 200
Here are some interesting reliefs [694269426958570495] at -300 300
An island with two towers... [6943122579504536] at spawn
A village surrounded by a sparse jungle biome [6942696701895114] at 50 100
Just an ocean village [6942000013762461393] at 100 0
A mansion completely surrounded by pale garden [6942819957569141] at 200 200 for 1.21.4
i want to know the cords of the place can anyone help
Looks like the castaways have made a very comfortable home on their new island [6942694270733000655] at 50 50
A lakeside village enclosed by a cherry grove biome [69420104198347093] at spawn
The perfect spot for pirate builds [694269428511325446] at -50 50