Bug during the impossible challenge?
I’m gonna tweak I swear to god
First time playing the game and I already broke it...
What other speedrunners have achieved a world record sweep like suigi
I never played Deadlocked, All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault and want to platinum them
Did any other ratchet and clank have a hub world like the starship Phoenix?
Very rare promo t shirt for Ratchet: Deadlocked
Crash Mii collection
Why is Ratchet the PS2 platform that survived among the big 3?
Japanese version haul
Why Going Commando is better than UYA
I think RY3NO level 4 is way better than its level 5
The best way to level up your weapons, PS3 only.
ShellShock has been ShellShocked.
idk I like Veldin 2 I guess.
Games that are great for speed runners but terrible for casual players trying to play the intended way?
Why in speedrun any% of crash warped on ps1, don't you use the glitch of starting with all power ups?
Well, don't bother getting up for drinks folks, this guy won't last two rounds...
Ratchet truly is a man who's good with his hands.
What's the worst planet you ever gotten through in any game? (Mainly the Trilogy but it can be anything from Size Matters, Secret Agent Clank, etc)
Whose idea was it for five animations every time you go to a new planet?
Alright after the last post, what's the best planet in any game?
Boyfriend is a god of war fan, help me
Most satisfying weapons to use?