RX590 crashing for no apparent reason?
The r/EASportsFC Daily Discussion Thread -- January 29, 2025
Best packs to open with Ultimate edition Fifa Points?
Sveshnikov or 1...e5
Would you sac the exchange here?
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 5 Heroes of StarCraft mini-set codes!
Poceni proteini
I'm starting chess, is there any way to begin well?
The Chess Opening Dilemma: What to Play?
Can white hold after 1...exf3 2 Nxf2 Nxf2 3 Kxf3? (Times are from end of game)
Are there examples in top level games where someone resigned after their own move?
In this position, why is not a4 and axb3 working for black?
Opening Recommendation vs 1.e4 (Master Level)
Practice/advice for playing two rooks vs a queen?
What is the best open Sicilian course?
Alternatives to chessable
GM Alexandr Fier scores 9.5/11 and wins Brazilian Championship for the fifth time
Mate In 5 (trickier than it looks)
How is this equal with +2 for black?
What are you in the top 1% of?
Somehow more cancerous than poison
I need some advice on a gift for a man who plays chess!!
Find the best move... Simple but odd looking
Fantastic GM level positional puzzle (Black to move)
best league of legends content creaters who don't shit talk there opponents and has good sportmen ship?