Should I wait for codex to build?
What should I buy next?
22M, online dating is just not working, where to meet someone?
Centurion shoulder pads not sitting right?
[H] $$$ [W] old dark angels combat patrol, leviathan box. [Loc] NY
I didn’t realize how big it was going to be
Best boxes to get for space marines to expand new collection?
Best weapons for a rogal dorn commander?
Best weapons for helbrute?
Should I give the Vertus Praetors salvo launcher or the hurricane bolter?
[no spoilers] want to get into the show, what campaign has the best villains/over all story?
Was thinking of getting into space wolves next but can’t find them in stock anywhere?
How can I improve my Cerastus Lancer list?
Thinking about getting into WE for my first chaos army, what is the starting steps to pick up for them?
What would be better to collect, death guard or world eaters?
Building my army
Questions about building units and rules
Soooo… I went and did a thing
Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows where to meet and maybe join a dnd group?
Picked up two sentinels, whats the best way to build them?
Looking to expand my collection and was thinking custodes or grey knights. With grey knights needing a refresh, what does one need to get for a custodes army?
What is the best Leman Russ variant?
Is this a glitch in app?
What do you guys use to make your trench bases?