[Slay the Princess] How many cycles have there been, total?
Astarion origin can trade with Cazador in Act 1
Inglorious "Bastards"
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
[Baldur's Gate III] Question about that Cazador encounter in Act 1 (spoilers)
[Scooby-Doo] Are there multiple vampires named Dracula in the Scooby-Doo universe?
Just let me wildshape into it please
Terrible auth
[Baldur's Gate III] Are there any people who are happy about their deals with a hag? Or is it all evil genie horror movie shit?
I only just noticed...
The random lesbian couple in Finding Dory (2016) is often described as Disneys first gay couple. This is false since the Lion King came out in 1994.
Can Qutiapine cause intrusive thoughts?
[Harry Potter] If Barty Crouch Jr on his first day as teacher in Hogwarts invited Harry to his chamber and asked to hand him a piece of paper that was really a portkey, would Lord Voldemort come back one year earlier?
[Baldur's Gate III] So, Mizora appeared in my camp, asking to rescue an "asset", and then...
Sudden spike in anxiety when sleepy; on Fluoxetine but NOT on Venlafaxine
r/Conservative open debate - Gates open, come on in
[DC] If Superman was completely isolated from yellow sun energy, how long would it take for him to lose his powers?
What is a hint that a Reddit story is fake?
Which country that you've visited has the nicest people?
[Dwarf Fortress] Is the hell actually the place that souls go to after death, or is it just a peculiar biome?
[World of Darkness] Who is the weakest character in this setting capable of surviving a direct hit with a nuclear bomb?
this is probably 1 of the most common memes ive ever seen but i still don't know what's the difficult part
[DC/Marvel] Are there any notable superhero protagonists in the comics, who are not smarter than the average human?
How do vaginas acquire their microflora?