Large oil painting i thrifted today. The signature is too faint for me to make any sense of, i think it says "Paris -23" below it. There's also a name written upside down on the backside of the frame.
Kids born on special day hunted down when they grow up
Lowering my very high power bill
Southeastern Georgia, USA, What bird's egg is this?
Book about a girl who is forced to pretend she is the daughter of a rich family
Helping Grandma Age At Home
ULPT request : please help me circumvent the coin system of a Miele PW5065
Is the website down?
Won at auction
Feel empowered by working for me for FREE
People who live in small towns, what is the hot local controversy right now?
ULPT: How to scare off a mentally deranged man from trespassing (cops are useless)
Additional carry-on space
Walkie Talkies/2-way radios in the past
You are what you eat . What are you atm?
On Mj for a year, have labs in one month
Grieving boy eats scones in Grandma’s house
Characters disappear into a mountain until one girl is left behind
I would hate to take this path
Hidden Princess raised by a hedge-witch...
ULPT Request: How can I make my brothers plan backfire?
Found in dead guys trash in Boston
Story about a man who prepares a homecoming party for his wife, only for the wife to be reveal as long dead to the protagonist.
Buyer bites off more than he can chew, wants me to take half items back.