Let’s see your Dragon Ball versions of this meme
Awww >:3 Look how cute and happy our Star looks when Melodie hugs her 😉
Who is the better mommy?
Any recomendation on who should i build?
You face this team, what would you do?
Is there any truth to this?
Petah, what is going on here?
Who shot mandy?
It's confirmed, Melodie dislikes Janet
Genuinely confused, why this didn't count as an underdog. ( I was solo queueing)
Am I the only one who thinks ranked is in a horrible state?
Ranking every skin in Brawl Stars because I have nothing better to do with my time
New BS collab looks hype.
Is she best girl?
Am not obsessed
Say “Edgar” and let your keyboard finish the sentence (Image unrelated)
How strong every brawler would be if brawl stars was realistic
All Females this time.
What do we, Janet lovers think about Bonnie?
Tell me your favorite hissatsu on the og series and I will rank it
What is your biggest flex with Janet?
What the fuck are meeples voicelines
New leaked Colt skin