New Fountain Pen Case
Awesome First Secret Santa Experience
My Secret Santa is Awesome! [Red Tier]
Secret Santa Gift Exchange Signup Instructions!
Super proud
Is there a fee when I make multiple payments before the statement date of my EW CC?
My most expensive buy so far!
That's about right
An Unfortunate Incident at Work
NPD - Grail Acquired!
Pen of the Day
Pelikan m200 golden lapis SE, my birthday gift!
I’m about to teach third through fifth graders cursive.
Secret Santa is almost here!
[GIVEAWAY] Sailor PGS Grateful Crane MF
You can only have 5 inks for the forseeable future: which is the ONE black, the ONE blue, the ONE red, the ONE green, and the ONE fun ink that you would keep?
Battle of the F/EF nibs
Entry level flex nib recomendation
Guess who is on the buying ban at least till the end of the year?🙈
I may be in trouble