[TOMT] Looking for a movie, vaguely remember a scene.
Which darkie song is this for you?
Which coldplay song is this for you?
album tier list
thoughts on this album?
the pick for today 💥
what genre is darkie?
thoughts on this song?
does anyone know any clean trap metal artists?
I’m taking a major step back from cosplay. These are the funniest things I made over the last 5 years.
What game? (Wrong answers only)
What is next in each order?
is this any good? i’m pretty new
Last but not least, 5 star in the veteran Ashe hero mastery
What are you performing in/working on now?
What does my art smell like?
[TOMT] black cat please help me
What monster did I just buy
cursor moving weird
Help me guys
if you could make a part 2 to any song by him, what would it be?
Who do yall think darkie uses in mario kart?
Herbst appliance stuck and I can't open my mouth fully.
just made a first discovery…
what are some underrated Oliver Tree songs?