Does anyone here rate MeidasTouch as worth paying attention to? On first glance it just looks like pandering baby food for libs
Thoughts on characters in ATLA vs LOK
Perpetual light-headedness?
Porque en México era feo ser un emo? Siempre tuve curiosidad de saberlo y que habra pasado de todos los emos
Niña de 11 años se suicida en Texas. Su familia dice que sufría de acoso escolar: le decían que iban a llamar a ICE para que deportaran a sus padres.
Propaganda mexicana de la SGM
Si los cárteles ahora son organizaciones terroristas, ¿significa eso que EE.UU. puede acusar a los fabricantes de armas por proveerles armamento? ¿Esto cambiaría la Segunda Enmienda de EE.UU.?
Why do right-wing folk support environmental deregulatory policies?
What's something LOK did BETTER than ATLA?
Do you support the removal of the Department of Education? If so, what should replace it (if anything)?
2.2 billion gallons of water flowed out of California reservoirs because of Trump’s order to open dams
Keto Bread Mix Recipe?
Right-leaning libertarians, how do you feel about the deportations?
Pressure cooking chicken might be the best thing ever
Kyle on demon time
Am I dumb? What do I bolus for?
Was given regular instead of diet :c
Ready for the week…
[Product Request] [Routine Help] My hands get like this every time we have a dry winter. Details in body.
What’s your low threshold before you snack?
What your opinion on sunflower butter
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 24, 2025
What are some modern day poor people foods that you think will become gourmet (or at least widespread and popular) in 50 years?
Tips for preparing lupini beans?