How would you tell your child they’re dying of a completely preventable disease?
Canadian financial planning
I have stopped visiting my in laws with my husband
People who make over 1M a year what do you do?
My father has cancer and I'm not sure I care.
My sister is going to die, and my husband does not want her daughter to move in with us.
It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care
41F newly single, still wants to find love and have a baby
5’1 age 59 streetwear interpretation
Letter from Rep. Jason Crow
The saddest thing I am seeing today is how Gen X is now addicted to cell phones.
Juvenile hawk? Los Cerritos, B.C.S.
Retiring and how I feel about it
Aging parents
Kept throughout life.
When sorting old world change, if I run a magnet through it first can I pretty much guarantee anything that sticks is crap?
At what age (if any) did you stop getting male attention?
Should I not care about a potential partners politics
Having steak tonight...
Meeting a new friend group and my crush will be there. Hows this?
I feel terrible for Americans
Terminal Cancer
My husband and I spent $11,641.01 on dining out for all of 2024 and I feel like a failure. How do you all get the willpower to cook at home even when you feel like you can't?
I Let a Stranger Hide in My Apartment, and I Don’t Know If I Regret It