Mist hanging over trees on the Churchill River
Charyou Tree
EDCing in Canada
Anyone else have a trunk collection? Dad started when he got the car 20 years ago and I’ve been adding and using the collection since I got the car.
Popular Songs You Had No Idea Were Covers
Checking the curd to see if it's ready to cut
Off to Hoover Dam
What is your fav thing to get from the US that you can't find in Canada (or vice versa)?
Pooling duty free into canada
EDC vs drug of choice
Pocket dump
Whose death took the longest to mourn for you?
Canadians are starting to get it.
Fruit Trees for Food Security
Now Canada is finally free from the tyranny of Justin Trudeau!
My current EDC/Hiking first aid kit, what should I add/remove?
How many times I can cross the border from Canada to USA?
Taking alcohol to US from Canada
Alternatives to knives
Friend who thinks it would help "honestly". Now not my friend.
Changing a closed work permit to open possible?
Why does boarder patrol have too much power to ruin your day?
Stuck at US Canada Niagara border
'Olan's Revolver (not 'gunna') lineart and greyscale design
People that have experienced very extreme cold (-40 and below), how cold does it feel compared to what most people consider cold (0 c)