I did my first barre chord! Yay!
Gains versus appearance
i can reach between the 1st and 3rd frets (i think) but i keep getting fret buzz and my ring finger keeps bending itself. how can i improve? (sorry if this is a stupid post, i don’t know what i’m doing)
What do you hate about your guitar teacher?
How should I get started?
Learn a Song By Ear?
Would you barre using your pinkie for the 8-8-8 or just shift your hand? Outside of this, is it reasonable to work on barring with the pinkie over 2+ strings?
Having a hard time muting this chord.
What should I learn first if I wish to make music?
PSA for new guitarists
Tired of people asking about bar chords
How to build coordination and flexibility
How to do Pinch Harmonics?
How to pick closer to the neck?
I need help sweep picking properly
Hoe to genuinely learn guitar?
How to practice
Is songster premium worth buying?
Unable to play barre chords
Recommendations on Amp sim?
Need help with some Randy Rhodes.
Does this work or did I waste about $8
[QUESTION] what is the best way to use a pick.
[discussion] I wonder which genre has the most fans that play guitar?