Watch our for your stuff you drop to pick up a big trade, even on private!
Not enough funds?? But I have loadsamoney...
H: 100 leader W: 1k overdrive
H: red asylum dress W: coffee
H: Red Asylum Dress W: Offers
H: reflective W: 1k overdrive
Joined a raid team last night and they kept skipping right to the Snek
H:calibrated gatling plasma capacitor plan W: 50 tesla science 9 and 50 leaders
H: Gatling Plasma Stinging Core Receptacle Plan W: Leaders or Tesla Science 9s
H: leaders/ 4star W: stinging core GP
Dear Bethesda, please allow me to name my PA.
H: 80 leaders W: 1k overdrive
H: 25 leader W: 200 overdrive
H: 4star mods W: 100 leaders each
What’s up with the cores?
Grinches Abound: Finally hit with vendor exploit (Xbox)
Számotokra mik a legártalmatlanabb red flagek, amik mégis zavarnak?
Which 4th star do you have on your Gatling plasma?
As requested, Super Mutant’s Run in Skyline Valley
Be careful sticking together in the crystal room encounter of the raid
H: 4 star mod listed W: accelerated nozzle GP
How much is this worth?
What's with all the coffee requests as payment...?
H: pin-pointers W: 100 leader