Laziest steal ever xd
Win lane, lose game
About the cards
They nerfed top lane so much
Darius project skin
Button Ui for Skins
32 mins without game in ranked
32 mins without game in ranked 😶
Darius new skin is so bad
Job of a jungler/ Solo laner
Warwick currently is the best jungler in CN
Complaining about Gacha is getting old
apparently dragon lantern Aatrox is now getting new voice lines
Another chance to hear ramon tikaram aatrox (WR)
Prestige Crystal Rose Lux
Fellas, what are your opinions on this event?
Gorgeous Skin
Camille got robbed with the new skin line
Camille got robbed ( new skin line)
Low skill high reward champions?
Which ult when landed in a specific situation is the most satisfying for you?
Hero that takes the fun out of Wild Rift.
Can it be more interesting
Riot buffing for skins now
Wild rift buffing for skins now ?