How would you prep for this Moder fight?
Quite literally struck gold
I am their biggest hater 🙏
Hate these scammy mobile games stealing content, but reported them
Trying to get a hi from every subdivision(except North Korea ofc):Day 2
Can I get a hello from every HOI4 state in the vanilla game? (Hello from West Virginia!)
How do persons actually get selected for top secret weapons development or more “controversial” government programs or research etc?
How do people actually get selected to work on top secret weapons development or more “controversial” government or company projects?
Day 230 of drawing badly every day until Civ 7 is released
Imagining a Civilization game with navigable "great rivers" . .
Is it a feature to start a war at -21%
So, I was checking my family's houses to see what they were up to, and this Alien monster is my cousin's regent!!! Should I kill this monster so that she will not harm my Arabian cousin?
This is the biggest ai empire I have ever personally come across
Genuine question as a newbie. Is it normal for huge empires like these to pop up?
Question. How do I create a specific title?
Question. If I buy the dlc will I have to start a new survival save for it to kick in or can I just keep playing on my current one?
Should I change up my gear I’m on day 61 in mindful cabin
Clothing outlet (and a hoarding problem of mine)
Question: After fire starting lv 3 is tinder just useless??
PoV: Moving loot out of mountain town
Does anyone know how to fix this menu??
I guess I’m a pescatarian now…
Straight on sight not even a growl or nothing
Hushed River Valley
My first run over 11 days!