Are these peaches okay?
Why is my fruit rotten on the inside but looks fine on the outside?
Lost Dogs 7/23
Giant sized artifacts in South & C. America, Native Americans & Atlantis
Is all suicide against the Dharma?
You will never convince me that this was dug with a shovel pick and sculpted with hammer and chisel.
Redmond Pool recommended?
Why don’t they just raise the price? And it’s bullshit they tax you on that amount.
Proton Pass is now available for everyone
I'm considering this online course to learn Russian. Any experience or opinions?
Manjaro (Cinnamon) update broke Protonvpn and Onboard Virtual Keyboard.
The Dalai Lama says stabilizing meditation focusing on the breath is not enough and must also be accompanied by other forms of meditation. What other meditations forms should I undertake?
How do we even know that Buddhism is true?
Protonvpn and Protonvpn-cli broke on update.
Laptop sudden issue needs several attempts before starting cold or restarting.
What type of person would have your vote immediately in politics?
Leak slowing down and stopping over time. Why is that?
Does it make sense to analyze old (2 - 10 yr) dreams?
Should I leave some slack in faucet supply lines?
Laptop cold start and restart becoming unreliable.
Acer Laptop boot up becoming unreliable
NY Strip for Sunday dinner. Please judge me.
l can I trim this oval cutout with ceramic tile?
How is this odd shutoff valve hose connection replaced?
New Chinese restaurant