Some trader just bought another $8M in $VIX calls for May - last time we saw this? 2008 GFC
What is this sickness going around?
$100 a measure
Do you think this can turn into a career?
Property ladder
Donald Trump is sinking the markets
How much more do we have to endure?
Cheapest sandwiches/ sandwich shop in Vancouver?
The prophecy is fulfilled
Are you actually passionate about what your doing?
YOLO'd $4,000 into SPY Puts yesterday and more than doubled my money. Going again today 🌈🐻🌈🐻🌈🐻
Monetised in 38 days with 63k views - here's what I've learned
Why do Americans wear shoes in the house??
Won a cruise at work and boyfriend says he will break up with me if I go.
-24k loss Tesla
$TSLA Pullback to $370?
Overwatch's D.Va voice actress harassed and berated by westjet employees for the entire flight duration
Out of all of the Fayette Mafia kids in season 4, who do you think had the saddest or most tragic story?
What is the smallest amount of money that would be life changing for you at this moment?
What’s something you see many people do, that you’ll never do?
Here's what you need to know to make it big on YouTube
why has the west coast struggled with drug abuse?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
Kendrick fans threaten KD because of his allegiance to Drake
Finally 100 subscribers and I'm so happy