Do you have or plan to have a child?
I honestly feel like giving up because all of this (TW depression)
Eerste keer sportschool / kleding, hoe en wat?
What’s your fave music?
Please help me stop ruminating (embarrassing)
Soms mis ik de corona periode. .
Waar ben jij dankbaar voor vandaag?
How often do you hear from your friends, and do you hang out with them?
Im sad that I’ll probably never have kids and a family
Welk eten of drinken vind jij echt niet lekker, terwijl de meeste mensen dat wel vinden?
Women of Reddit, what’s the biggest myth that porn spreads about what women enjoy in bed—but you actually hate?
If AI had the power to collect all data on Reddit with the goal of changing the world for the better, but could only use data from Reddit, what do you think would definitely change?
I could use a little help
I’d love some help to grow
Wat is de ergste date die je ooit hebt gehad?
Hoe komen jullie het leven door in je eentje met een 9 tot 5 baan? Want ik ga mentaal kapot
Nederland over abortus
do you doubt your diagnosis?
To those in a relationship: where did you meet them?
Anyone else a bit nervous about having a diagnosis right now?
What is the most painful thing you must accept as someone with ASD?
I found the solution to a huge problem today
Hoe krijg ik ooit een date...
Did narcs you knew "like" their own social media posts?
Not being able to regulate body temp - weird and overlooked symptoms of autism