did the Bose QC35 usb-c mod - it worked!
The 15 MOST Starred JS Projects of 2024
I wrote a react app to drive my Roomba vacuum and put it on an ESP32 microcontroller
I wrote some code to turn our old roomba into an RC robot with an ESP32
Accent lighting with WLED Digi Uno
ESP32 + Vite to develop web front ends
I did it. JavaScript vacuum is alive. Wrote the code to control it in the browser via Web Serial API, or on the server with serialport
15 tips on navigating thought a codebase efficiently with VS code
Direction of this WS2811 ?
UCS2904 12V puck real-world power usage
custom coloured indentation / bracket pairs in VS Code
Thanks For the Help! Here's the Finished Product
Did you spring for aluminum tracks for your permanent outdoor lights?
How to fix this?
GUI to explore local/cloud D1?
I completed building this app recently, now it is available for mac and windows both.
A button that doesn't change width when showing a spinner: Use CSS Grid to stack items, and visibility: hidden to hide/show spinner
The most annoying thing you can find in a project
Drizzle ORM - select() vs query
customizable dropdowns with just HTML and CSS are coming
Does Vercel not run my backend when the site is not being used?
Is there a tool to monitor the HTML document while it's fetching?
How long for fibre to be enabled after they run the cable to the house?
Costco Ontario Beer Prices
I drive a lot and want to listen to something development related.