Wanna have you opinion about that, guys
Tick Pickwick in The Thundermans?
Feminine Archetype Test
Is this a realistic outcome?
"Destiny don't you feel bad about the firefighter that died at the attempted Trump assassination?" Destiny:
What killer should I get? I already have the rest
Roast me, I want to feel justified for my self loathing
Female Co workers
What is the one thing your parents did that you decided you would not do to your kids?
What’s the worst physical pain you ever felt?
One family pocketed $7.6 million by taking cans and bottles from Arizona and recycling them in California. That's fraud, prosecutors say.
What Hurts a Lot Despite Being a Small Injury?
Professor and 2 others stabbed in gender issues class at Canadian university.
Roe v. Wade Protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol Building - 06/24/23
Women have a best before date for scratch and sniff?
I cringed so hard I got goosebumps
The tragedy 😩
Found this gem!
Dude triggered over Bud Light’s support of BLM and LGBTQ+ dumps all his drinks in the trash
did anyone else just see this?! wtf is this?!
Democrats have greatly increased their margins in the Milwaukee Suburbs since 2014.
TIL Pythagoras thought beans contained a human soul and fought against their consumption or destruction. One account of his death claims that he would not enter a bean field to escape pursuers, so they killed him.
This father walking among hundreds of kids on Halloween seemed pretty trashy to me
Wisconsin Senate leader says state will not legalize marijuana