First go at Thousand Sons
Sub-Assembly Question - Rubric Marine Arms
Ghost Capes - Sorcerer Theme
I paint suuuper slow, and my pile of shame is growing as a result. I challenged myself to finish this box in 10hrs total, including building, priming, painting, and basing.
Shackleton Falls on South Georgia Island
I hate it here 🌧
Daemon Prince for my thousand sons
Judge me off this map
Am I crazy or is this fatty to the point of not really being worth it?
Local butcher shop handing change out that looks like this
Seen in town
King Cake Dupe in Nashville
Sen. Murkowski disagrees with President Trump on changing Denali's name.
BCEAO Tower in Mali (Bamako), Classified as Neo-Sudanic architecture, the tower is modeled on the Sudano-Sahelian architecture of the famous Mosques of Djenné and Timbuktu.
Helmet or no helmet?
Work in progress
My first attempt at NMM hit a wall and gave up here.
New idea, corrupted Iron Hands
Who’s up ?!
Is your pibble allowed on the bed?
What is one legion you don’t really understand why people like?
You guys were right, double nose stripes all day
Lads, I've a lot of Styrofoam, what can I do with it?
Rainy winds on a hill
Do you prefer A or mythological hydra as the emblem of the legion