It's summer soon and I'm so not ready to stop hiding my (painfully not skinny) body under layers of clothing p
anyone else feel like a fraud cause their meals don't look particularly restrictive or disordered?
Carrots & bbq powder
celebrating my birthday with my stuffed racoon cause I have no friends
trying to come up with meals that don't seem disordered and completely insane
I currently have the flu, my period, and going through withdrawals at the same time...Can you recommend me some foods that will make me feel a little less like I'm dying?
Thought it was pretty ig
Depression creeping back, ed becoming worse, relapse already happened, but at least I get to cook my lunch
i appreciate this sub, you’re all so friendly and kind
donut while trying not to cry on a park bench
my sister got it for me so there’s no way i’m not drinking it even though i’m freaking out about not knowing the calories 🥲
cold showers are the worst
Recommend me some good whumpy shows
tell me your favourite whump scenarios because i’m running out of ideas
i think the last time someone hugged me was before i grew out of being carried as a toddler. isn’t that pathetic.
18th birthday breakfast
A slice of vegan cheese with a view
Five days
got high and that chips craving hit (bowl seemed appropriate)
How is everyone's hair doing?
r a m e n (etc)
These turds
I’m having such a hard time staying sober. My depression is really hitting me hard and I don’t want to leave the house if I don’t have to.
big birthday salad
How long have ya’ll been cutting for?