Normal game queue times disgustingly high at 10 am for a ''popular game''
Is it just me or does every build except for ROA+Quickblades feels terrible?
Why am i so sensitive about spicy food? i can barely handle pepperoni
I reached diamond with 60% winrate over 183 games and i have no idea what i'm doing.
Pls help...
Tried Cookie voli build on my diamond 2 match
How do i climb further? reached diamond and every game is still a huge coinflip of which team steamrolls each other.
Some champions are always a pain in the ass no matter if they are weak or not
I finally managed to hit Diamond after deciding to play jungle and one tricking the bear
I think i kinda pissed them off
The ''TRY TO RUN NOW MF'' build.
Where can Iearn english if I don't to start from scratch
I actually won a 4x5 match on emerald 3 with voli, holy that was intense
Update: i did not gave up on the bear, thanks for the advice, just reached emerald 3 after being hopeless on plat 3 forever
Lula dá um recado ao povo sobre o preço dos alimentos
do i give up on the bear? been trying to main him but i only win lucky games and the ones i need to carry i lose anyway or is this a me problem in general, not me with the champ?
Did i just wasted a flash trying to be a hero? lmao
Jeff Bezos looks like totally different person after years
I feel like no matter what i do or what role i play i'm stuck at the same elo, i can't climb or get demoted, i'm just eternally at the same elo.
Did i saved the guy or i just wasted a flash? lmao
Alguém sabe se isso é um golpe? É a primeira vez que recebo uma mensagem assim.
This game UI sucks so much that i want to give up before even playing
Need tips against strong ranged champions with peel
[Uglyhood] Idk why good stories sometimes just get dropped by everyone
how to do damage with nocturne