What have we done to Drum Mixes since the 90's ?
Customers with $400 cart: always want “not too many + lighter weight bags”
Drum Room send and receive
Racist incident in downtown SLO
How to keep the Classroom from getting out of control
Brokedown Palace Harmony
Drum Sampler Hardware
What’s better? Being on the same flyer as a big artist but your set was empty or being on an unknown local show and its absolutely packed?
Soundtoys FilterFreak doing quite a nice MuTron impression
Anyone know why rig sounds dull/ too much bass through sound board
Chord Talk!
I am shocked by the last two days of job interviews.
Looking for Anti—Government music
Telling sound guy to adjust mix in the room
Asking for something to be different in the mix
How do you explain and word 29 years spent as a full time musician on a resume and application when you want to get a regular job?
2 day out-of-school suspension
Saw this in r/Oakland, what businesses/restaurants are MAGA donators/supporters?
What pedal has made you more creative?
Store is habitually and deliberately understaffed. Crazy stressful.
Scheduled on unavailable days
Does anyone know how to take your song and put it into a different tuning/frequency. Most tuning is 440hz how could i change it? People like Mk.gee does it.
Most Important Pedals to Mk.gee’s sound?
Viral Free Bag Video..