What is your age without saying how old you are?
show me your eepy bebis
Picked up my first freshie of the season out yote hunting this weekend
Based got banned
I will doodle your Cat❤️
Damn it I really wanted a meal :(
I’m Both Disgusted and Amused
Doozycruz attempts to EGG Mr Based, a goon averts it
From a few weeks ago
Anyone have lava lamps at their job?
Best side character?
29, M, just gay with the homies sometimes
What car he would drive?
What's that one candy that you love, but is insanely obscure?
From a few months ago
I have reservations at the “roof” restaurant tonight for NYE. AMA
Juliette knew I seen through her BS
Another one from 6 years ago:
Snapchat memory from junior year of college. Banana for scale ofc
Josh breaks glass
Boy lunch
What does your team look like going into the semi's
I took my pilgrimage
I'll play. What are we thinking about mine?