New neighbor is worse then last one...
Cannot Stand the Sheet Sight of My Neighbor
Half life problems
Looking to hire in-person scribe after AI. Agency recommendations?
Princeton Review mentions both half-life equations in their G-Chem book. Do I need to know both for the MCAT or am I good to just memorize the bottom one? Because TPR says the bottom one is simpler and more intuitive to use.
520+ scorers
Are yall enjoying studying?
All the symptoms of inflamed gallbladder and/or gallstones. Ultrasound results show I’m super healthy inside. So why am I in so much additional pain to my usual endometriosis symptoms? And why do both areas flare up like crazy together?
Why don’t more people apply DO?
ok tell me
med school admissions is ridiculous
Aiden deck error?
always seeing posts here asking what to eat… here’s my fridge after 5 years on low carb!
premed influencers strike again
anyone else’s jaw so misaligned that your tongue feels like it doesnt fit in your mouth
Tpr question - atomic mass vs atomic weight. Possible error?
The sexual tension between Me and Getting One Wrong on Every Passage is Palpable
So it begins. AI will now read medical school applications
Ladies.. do you feel your gallbladder and hormones are connected? If so, why? After removal did you see changes that HELPED? Please don’t tell me any horror stories.
Tik Tok Has 75 Days Left: Signed By Trump
Not very demure
Your sign to start Mr. Pankow Anki deck
Ana Huang's books are overrated.
no actually this process makes a ton of sense