Silly lil Guy [Art by me]
How much to charge for commissions? Need feedback
Which option for pride colors? (Unfinished)
Paw print (magnet) advice (done by me)
Dennis is a Happy Camper [Art by me]
Finchie friends and trading daily thread
Alphonse on plexiglass | Art by me|
Nezuko on glass | art by me|
Stein /glass painting/ artist: me
Sweet Treats | Art by me|
Runes & Jinx-ified Hextech
My Scar Cosplay
Sukana: Domain Expansion | Art by me |
Nezuko Glass Piece | artist:me|
‘Depressed Dennis: Clownin Around’ - [art by me]
Name my stray cat-has a personal vendetta against crocs, spring boards off the mirror, and purrs louder than a motor. Huge cuddle bug, wishbone on his butt, talks back.
Just realised you can’t move inclines…
Death the Kid- (signed) art by me.
Death the Kid- by me, Plexiglass
Remodeled Caroline’s home
[For Hire] Anime glass paintings
[S2 act 2 spoilers] @12cool_briz21
[no spoilers] @12cool_briz21 (insta)
What’s happening to my tattoo?
Guarding the bathroom while the girlfriend showers