No crime against humanity will be left without punishment
Good riddance I say
Juste une image historique sans aucun rapport avec l'actualité
Oh, you're European? Name every city.
What if Switzerland was massive?
My ideal Asia borders/flags
Germany is so progressive that even the leader of their far-right party is married to a Sri-Lankan woman. Sweden is trembling rn.
Syrie: ce que disent les images du retrait russe de la base de Hmeimim
Different village structure between Iran (left) and Turkmenistan (right)
Historical Regions of Europe
The Philippines superimposed over North Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Europe [OC]
Who's the Zionist now, huh?
So the rebels have withdrawn from Hama city
Russian forces withdrew from Hama military airport as Rebels began capturing villages in the North of Hama
Syrie : les rebelles jihadistes revendiquent la majorité d’Alep, l’armée confirme leur présence dans de «larges parties» de la ville
Selon une source diplomatique française, la demande de l'Ethiopie d'un accès à la mer est «légitime»
Nah... This better work.
What makes men unable to control their anger?
A cool guide of European Residents Population in East Asia(Taiwan, South Korea, Japan)
What do you guys think of this one
Is there a possibility for modern bluewater fleet ?
Antelope should be folded or moved down in BR
Germanic Tribal World of the Provincial Roman Period (between 50 BC to 300 AD)
SNCF : tous les syndicats appellent à une grève illimitée à partir du 11 décembre contre le démantèlement de la filiale de fret