A couple of cool photos i took!
You have arrived at your destination: Mun City [WIP]
After a long day deep in the crater mining, Ronpont Kerman thought he'd take a second to admire his blue marble home in the sky.
Class E Comet captured into high kerbin orbit!
Final update to my city on an asteroid before the kraken sinks it. ¡Bienvenidos a Nueva Tijuana!
Building a city on a captured asteroid
This game is so beautiful
STS-31 - Discovery takes Hubble to space
Everyone sad about KSP2: ☹ -- Meanwhile me who only plays KSP1:
Testing my wheel suspension system for my new Duna rover, Tenacity. Modeled after the Perseverance Rover. I think this setup is a little OP.
My Orbital Vehicle and International Space Station recreations. The Orbital Vehicle has several tiles underneath similar to the real one. This was quite a beautiful mission
Feeling mad lonely, not a huge sense of community on campus?
new Ye snippet from 'LAST WEEK' video 🕊️
why is the library so strict with masks while sce and basically every other building doesnt care?
On approach
F-35B Drift to vtol to drift. Main engine is moved with the translate l/r keys, so the position of the main engine can be wherever
BBBY Megathread for Wednesday August 17th, 2022 🍉🚀
What are your thoughts on my investment allocations? Any changes?
I made space x landing legs (forgot rcs and landing was too fast)
I was messing around with shaders and got this screenshot
What's your favorite genre of EDM?
Comment a Kanye lyric and I’ll guess your bodycount