Which solo Leveling Character you hate the most!
What happened to Rule 3?
So for a Probopass Deck, which Nosepass do you prefer, and why?
Your lady saved image defeated Goku. What is it
Is this okay to run?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
Are Gold Cards a Myth?
What strategy would you use?
Anyone else refuse to use nitrous?
What unpopular ptcgp opinion would have you fighting for your life in the comments?
Not Fun Fact: Episode 9 of SL Season 2 Becomes the First Episode this Season to Get Over 1K Dislikes
I've had an amazing day today. After loading up on hourglasses from the shop + rewards, I pulled two rainbow cards (Moltres EX & Mew EX) and had enough pack points to buy a Full-Art Shaymin, finally getting three of the four secret emblems in 1 day. Pleased!
Talk me out of a Giulia Veloce
What is the worst type in the game going to be after the new set releases (Besides dragon)
If you could only have one frying pan, what would it be?
The problem with trading: No idea what ReLiq wants in exchange for Vaporeon. Made a guess at fair exchange based on deck usability and which set it's from. Does this seem fair?
Rip or keep sealed for the pack collection?
So What are We Thinking about This?
Arceus EX enjoyers 24 hours from now:
What’s an addiction that society doesn’t take seriously enough?
What’s something you see many people do, that you’ll never do?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
What is the smallest amount of money that would be life changing for you at this moment?
Men of reddit, what do you see happening in the near future to men in particular?
What is your “f*** it. I’ll do it myself” in cooking