The brushes I use if anyone wants em
Jotaro holding the osaker (OC)
Introducing: Hypercharge Kudos!
What’s it saying
Shoutout to all the AI artists who have typing due at midnight
Post your 4th last saved image 👍
Is it okay to notice someone is trans?
always the joke of the fourth option
Of all the possible alternatives to TikTok, they really had to pick another Chinese social media app
Hey Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals!
Oh, autistic people can't tell expressions? Fuck you. I identified all of the Thalasin emotions in one go
Robot take over
Shits peak (I'm pathetic)
sin miedo al exito
Gyro X Johnny (By Me!)
Are there any lore reasons why isn't Osaka more flexible?
I searched it and now I'm crying [READ DESC]
No offense btw, just some light-heart shittalking
Father autism Noooo
Losercity plague
first dump
I drew a dog