Does anyone have any clue where these are located??
I named my new kitten grogu because I have a small obsession (here’s some Grogu on grogu cuteness)
My sweet girl Maggie (back) and feisty boy ofi (front)
How much do you make?
When Sydney just casually pulls up to Emily’s house in a corvette??
My new setup!! Just added the tragus today! How do y’all feel about it?
Okay but hear me out.
I bought a haunted property and my father just so happens to haunt it!!
Need some suggestions for my ears!! (Ignore my face mask hehe)
I got my navel pierced today and I feel like maybe it’s too high idk
I finally got my septum redone from my last post a couple days ago where it was super botched!! Thanks guys for all the support and advice!
I just got my septum and I feel like it might be too close to my face?? Can someone help me.
She’s all done boys!
finally done... after 6 long months 😎 don’t give up!!!!
Has anyone else suffered hair thinning/ hair loss on accutane?