Stupid woman… how can Brad Pitt be dating her if he was already dating me?
Just got a call from bitcoin customer's support and got scammed
Why are websites like travala or alternative airlines (to book with bitcoin) so expensive compared to the airlines site?
People only tell you about the fall of US but not on the comeback and rise again
Why is reunion dinner so important for Singaporean Chinese?
My Bitcoin Story, I lost guys.
The more I learn about cryptocurrency, the more I love Bitcoin.
Trying to retreive my brother's BTC wallet who passed away
I got in at 107k, I hope it drops to $80k so I can finally sell
I will buy USD then sell it to the Indian banks and receive payment in my Indian account, then transfer the money back to my Dubai account, then I want to buy crypto and do the same cycle? Can this happen?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
If Asia leads Crypto Adoption by 60% then why do US decide the market?
Doing fnb business is one the dumbest idea in sg?
Kaho na pyaar hai
Bought these from College Street today
If you had 1 BTC, what strategy would you use so you wouldn’t have to work anymore?
If sg education system is so good why are we always shortage of talents?
Who is inflating the residential real estate market in India?
Do you guys "take profit"?
When Bitcoin hits $1,000,000, I’ll be sipping coconuts and exploring Southeast Asia full-time. Who’s ready for that decentralized dream?
Silver same price last 10 yrs
Finding suitable partner to get married
Am I meant to only HODL?
333 BTC bought and panic sold
Why is rupee rapidly falling against dollar?